While I'm a big fan of the freebie giveaway, I like the idea of a financial incentive even more so to promote my book TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE, I've decided to hold a contest. It's not the most original marketing strategy but I like it just the same - spend a little and potentially win back your initial investment with a little somthin' somethin' extra - if you answer the question correctly. I know what some of you are thinking. There's always gotta be a big fat "if" in the equation...and there does - if you want to make things a bit more interesting.
So this is what my initial attempt at marketing strategy looks like:
Go to Amazon’s website and download Marta
Tandori’s new ebook TOO
LITTLE, TOO LATE…Read it…Answer
the question below correctly…and WIN !!
QUESTION: Which singer from a famous 70’s singing group was the inspiration for
the character Kate Stanton in TOO LITTLE, TOO
First Correct Entry Received: $50 USD
Five Additional Prizes of $10 USD awarded
to each contestant with the correct answer based on a first-received
basis. Only one entry per contestant. Prizes will be awarded the day after contest
closes via PayPal.
Opens: December 17, 2012
Closes: January 2, 2013
Send Answers to martatandori@gmail.com; Please put
“CONTEST ENTRY” into the subject line of your email.
I guess I'll find out January 2nd whether my marketing strategy had any takers. Stay tuned for the final tally...